a1’s third single adopted a reliable formula, with the retro-inspired uptempo ‘Ready Or Not’ forming one half of a double-A side…just in time for Christmas.
a1 – Summertime Of Our Lives
a1’s sun-drenched second single, ‘Summertime Of Our Lives’, is a perfect snapshot of pop music in mid-1999.
allSTARS* – Best Friends
‘Best Friends’ saw the allSTARS*, a new mixed-sex pop group, attempt to conquer the charts with the theme tune from their television show…sound familiar?
allSTARS* – Things That Go Bump In The Night
When the allSTARS* released ‘Things That Go Bump In The Night’ as their second single, they ended up redefining Halloween itself.
a1 – Be The First To Believe
As debut singles go, ‘Be The First To Believe’ was an intriguing premise, with a title that sounds more like a promotional tagline for a1 than a song lyric.